How to deliver a perfect talk | Learn English with Shubham - Part 1
- Reach the venue well before in time, say 15 mins. Talk to audience before talk, get familiar with them. You can watch these familiar faces during the talk without facing difficulty. Spot 3 spots, right
one, left one , and the middle one. Use these spots to watch during the talk. - Rather than starting by saying "Good morning friends, I'm here to talk about ...bla bla bla, it's good to start by your subject "Cleanliness is next to godliness".
- Have some activities in between to get the audience involved.
- Find common things about you and the audience, use those to relate with your talk.
- WITFM: What is there for me. Lets your audience be clear about what they are going to get.
- Do not act like a self-centric-speaker, rather behave like audience-centric-speaker. Do not talk much about you.
- Voice modulation is very very very effective in a talk.
- Mind you meal before the talk. Have some luke warm water and high fiber diet before the talk. You can have water during the talk to keep your throat wet.
- Think and speak should be in sync.
- Try to talk to one person at a time. After you complete one point, try to point to another person.
- Go amongst the audience, be the audience.
- Body language. Don't touch your clothes, don't cross your fingers. Use eye and body to interact.
- Keep it simple silly.
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