Monitor mac from terminal | htop command in MAC

Usage: To analyse CPT usage, memory usage, taks running.

htop command in Linux system is a command line utility that allows the user to interactively monitor the system’s vital resources or server’s processes in real time. htop is a newer program compared to top command, and it offers many improvements over top command. htop supports mouse operation, uses color in its output and gives visual indications about processor, memory and swap usage. htop also prints full command lines for processes and allows one to scroll both vertically and horizontally for processes and command lines respectively.


htop [-dChusv]

Understand the columns:

  • PID: ProcessId
  • UserId: User through which process is running
  • Priority: 0 to 40
  • NI: The nice value of the process, which affects its priority. (-19highest to 19lowest)
  • VIRT: virtual memory being used by the process
  • RES: How much physical RAM the process is using, measured in kilobytes.
  • SHR: How much shared memory the process is using.
  • S: The current status of the process (zombied, sleeping, running, uninterruptedly sleeping, or traced).
  • CPU%
  • %CPU: The percentage of the processor time used by the process.
  • %MEM: The percentage of physical RAM used by the process.
  • TIME+: How much processor time the process has used.
  • COMMAND: The name of the command that started the process.



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